

St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城致力于在州和联邦法律允许的范围内尊重所有网站访问者的隐私, including the 明尼苏达州esota Government Data Practices Act, 明尼苏达州. 统计. Ch. 13. 本私隐声明. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城旨在解释我们收集信息的方式, the way we will use the information collected, and the protections we will provide the information you choose to give to us.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

当你参观圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城网站, 我们定期收集和存储有关您访问的信息,以帮助我们管理这些网站并改进服务. 这些信息包括:

  • The Internet Protocol (“IP”) Address and domain name used to access this site. IP地址是分配给您的互联网服务提供商或您的计算机的数字标识符.);
  • The type of browser and operating system you used;
  • The date and time you visited this site;
  • The web pages or services you accessed on this site;
  • The website you visited prior to coming to this site; and
  • 搜索 terms used to find this site or to search for information on this site.

We use this information to determine the number of visitors to the site, 到场地的不同部分, 监控系统性能, 评估技术设计要求, 并满足我们用户的需求.

We analyze the above information in the aggregate. 我们不能也不会使用我们服务器日志中的信息来识别个别访问者. 未经您的同意,我们不会发布从这些活动中收集的任何个人身份信息, unless we are legally required to do so.



We use “cookies” to customize your browsing experience. “饼干”是由您的网络浏览器代表网站在您的计算机上存储的信息片段,并应请求返回给该网站. 根据明尼苏达州法规第13条.15, 细分4和5, 这是向用户发出的必要通知,当您访问本网站时,我们将在您的计算机上安装cookie. 这些资料可用于评估电子政府服务, preventing unlawful intrusions to electronic systems, 或法律另有规定的. 我们将cookie用于多种目的, 包括但不限于:将您当前在网站上的会话数据从一个网页传输到另一个网页,并在访问之间识别您的网站. 除非本网站另有通知, we will not store data using cookies other than for these purposes.

我们也可能使用cookie来评估我们的网站,并从横幅广告跟踪广告活动的表现, opt-in e-mails and through third-party advertising services. These cookies and tracking pixels (also called web beacons, 行动的标签, 照明灯的标签, 或透明的GIF文件)包含一个ID号码,使我们能够跟踪您在我们网站上访问过的页面. 我们将这些数据与其他用户的数据汇编在一起,以跟踪整体流量模式,帮助我们改进网站布局并了解, 例如, the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing campaigns. The tags are industry-standard technology and are anonymous. No personally identifiable information is stored on these cookies or web pixels.

We also use Google Analytics to analyze traffic to our site. Google uses cookies to provide this service to us. Google’s cookies are used to store information, 比如你是什么时候来的, whether you have been to the site before, and what site referred you to our web page. Information about your visits to specific St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城网站及其子域名可以在明尼苏达州立大学系统内合并和共享.

饼干 may also be set by an organization other than St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城, 比如YouTube, 推特, 脸谱网, or other social media services for which we have implemented “plug-ins.” Information on their cookie policies can be found on these sites directly.

饼干 remain on your computer until you delete them. 除非本网站另有通知,否则我们不与外部实体交换cookie. 如果你不想收到饼干, you may turn them off in your browser settings, or you may set your browser to ask you before accepting a new cookie. Some pages may not function properly if the cookies are turned off.

您也可以通过在浏览器设置中关闭JavaScript或安装Google Analytics(分析)来阻止谷歌分析收集您的访问信息 Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

安全的应用程序. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城, 哪些需要用户登录, 可以或不可以使用cookie来跟踪诸如密码和会话信息之类的东西.


在浏览本网站的过程中, 您可以选择向我们提供有关您的信息,以帮助我们满足您的需求. 除非您自愿参加要求提供此类信息的活动, we do not collect personal information about you, 除上述情况外. 例如, 你可以在网上填写表格, 参与调查, 发送电子邮件, 注册一个邮件列表, or request further information be sent to you by mail. 您发送给我们的任何个人身份信息将仅用于指定的目的, such as to send information to you or respond to your questions or comments. 有关资料的请求将转给适当的工作人员,以便他们对请求作出答复, 并可能被记录下来,以帮助我们更新我们的网站,以更好地响应类似的请求.

The information we collect is not limited to text characters, 可能包括音频, video, and graphic information formats that you send to us. 我们根据明尼苏达州法规§§15保留我们收集的信息.16和138.17, as well as our record retention schedule. 我们不出租, 出售, or exchange any personal information you provide to us without your consent, 除非法律规定.

If you choose not to provide us with personal information on a contact, 帮助, 或注册表格, 我们将无法与您联系. 注册表格中缺少联系信息可能意味着您的注册将不完整,我们可能无法处理您的注册.


Personal information that you share on St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城-managed social media pages, 比如脸谱网和推特, are subject to the privacy policies and terms of use of those platforms. Please refer to those policies before posting any content to those pages.


在明尼苏达州, 法律的存在是为了确保政府是开放的,公众通常有权获取州政府拥有的记录和信息. 同时, 为了保护个人隐私,公众查阅公共记录的权利也有例外.

您自愿提供给我们的所有信息在我们收到后将成为公开数据, 除非法律有例外. 这意味着如果有人, 包括新闻媒体, 请求公开信息, 我们有义务提供给他们, unless it is otherwise protected by state or federal law.


St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城已经采取了一些措施来保护其数据的完整性,并防止未经授权的信息被维护在我们的计算机系统中. These measures are designed and intended to prevent the corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, ensure the integrity of information that is transmitted to us, 并为我们所拥有的私人信息提供合理的保护.

In the course of ensuring network security and consistent services for all users, we employee software programs to do such things as monitor network traffic, identify unauthorized access or access to nonpublic information, 检测计算机病毒和其他可能破坏我们的计算机或网络的软件, and monitor and tune the performance of our network. 在这样的监测过程中, these programs may detect information such as e-mail headers, 来自网络数据包的地址, 还有其他信息. 来自这些活动的信息仅用于维护我们的网络和计算机系统的安全和性能. As with other personally identifiable information, 除非法律要求,未经您的同意,我们不会向他人发布此信息, 包括明尼苏达州. 统计. § 13.15.


未授权尝试拒绝服务, 上传信息, 改变的信息, 或试图从本服务访问非公共网站是严格禁止的,并可能受到法律制裁.


We may provide links to other websites or resources on the internet. We do not control these sites and resources, 不要为他们背书, and are not responsible for their availability, content, 或者提供服务. 特别是, external sites are not bound by this privacy statement; they may have their own policies or none at all. 通常,您可以通过注意目的地网站的URL来告诉您要离开我们的网页.


St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 makes no representations or warranties, 明示或暗示, with respect to the use of or reliance on the data provided on this web site, regardless of its format or means of transmission. There are no guarantees or representations to the user as to the accuracy, 货币, 完整性, 适用性, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data “as is” and assumes all risks associated with its use. St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 assumes no responsibility for actual, 重要的, 偶然的, 特殊的, 或因…造成的惩罚性损害赔偿, 引起的, by, or associated with any user’s reliance on or use of this web site, even if appraised of the likelihood of such damages occurring.


我们可以随时在本页或后续页面上发布新版本的隐私声明. The new version will become effective on the date it is posted, which will be listed below as the new Effective Date.
